About Us
North Carolina Junior Pickleball promotes and fosters the growth of youth pickleball in North Carolina. We are comprised of volunteer state personnel and volunteer regional coordinators. Our contact information can be found below.


Central    Charlotte - Leesa Walker - Leesa@pickleballcharlotte.com
Central    Mooresville - LKN  Tennis - Kat Valentine - kat.lntc@gmail.com
Central    Mooresville - Jennifer Butler - jennybutler01@gmail.com
Central     Statesville - Reid Suttles -  preidsuttles@yahoo.com
Central     Salisbury - Richard Reinholz - rreinholz@rocabymca.org
Central     Belmont - Dennis Thompkins - dtompkins@carolina.rr.com
Central  Winston Salem  - Bynum Tuttle - btuttle@pickleballpassion.net
East Raleigh Apex/Holly Springs- Clifford Chu reddawgpickleball@gmail.com
East  Raleigh -- U B Albert - albertub@gmail.com
East     Durham - Katherine Williams - katherinEwilliams23@gmail.com
East    Coastal - The HOP - Jesse Simon - simonpickleball@gmail.com
East    Coastal - Outer Banks - Scott Garber - outterbanks@gmail.com
West   Asheville - Asheville Racquet Club - Michael Kinnear mkinnear@ashevilleracquetclub.com or Cenyu Yang cyang@ashevilleracquetclub.com

State Level Team Members
Robert Nibarger - North Carolina Junior Coordinator ncjuniorpickleball@gmail.com
Jennifer Butler - State Training Coordinator jennybutler01@gmail.com
Catherine Rossello - Applications Specialist thenewcathern@att.net